About Colon
Make the Magic Happen
The Village of Colon Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was established in 2011 in accordance with Michigan Act 197 of 1975. The basic purpose of this Authority is to reestablish and maintain the vitality of the historic downtown area of our Village.
Visit The Village Council Site
The Downtown Development Authority's (DDA) mission is to promote economic growth and revitalization in Downtown Colon. The DDA will accomplish this mission by:
Improving and maintaining a solid and user-friendly infrastructure
Marketing Downtown Colon to consumers and businesses
Encouraging preservation of Colon's downtown
By fulfilling this mission, and DDA will enhance not only downtown, but the entire City of Colon.
The objectives of the DDA are to recruit new businesses, rehabilitate buildings, expand parking, strengthen public participation, and make the downtown a fun and beautiful place to visit.
Our most immediate projects have been MSU’s Sustainable Built Environments Initiative. Our Latest Meeting was April 26th. It was a huge success. More to come
Current board Members
Camille Wilson
Carol Ritchie
Ryan Fish
Vicki Senkewitz
Michael Malmborg
Make a donation.
Donations are an important part of the DDA general budget. Your donations are tax deductible. Thanks for your support!